Today my first things from the nail art brand Mouyou arrived! 🙂 Holy Shapes and one stamping polish called Purple Haze.
Now I’m just waiting for my new stamper – the popular Creative stamper that supposed to be really good. So excited! 🙂
The stamped I’ve have now is a cheap thing from eBay that makes my go nuts when I trying to stamp. Not good at all! Hopefully the creative stamper is much better!
Here you se the pattern i choosed 🙂
I really look forward to try theese, but i think I’m going to wait for my new stamper first 😉
Let’s save my the high blood pressure 😉
Do you have any suggestions in what pattern I should try first? Help me! 🙂
If you want to see it, o will make a post about that ad soon it arrives 🙂
Take care!
Many hugs!